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NOTE: Due to the anticipated rain on Friday and Saturday, all events will now be held on Sunday, August 11th
As a result of this delay, player registration has been extended to Thurday, August 8 @ 12 noon 
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2024 Divisions & Schedule
(click below to view tennis & pickleball schedules)

Greetings!  We are days away from the Fifth Annual Stonington Open Tennis Tournament and the Second Annual Pickleball Tournament.   Both tournaments kick off this Sunday, August 11 at 8am. 


Sunday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm at Spellman Park/Stonington High School Courts on Spellman Drive in Pawcatuck. 


Parking: There is a large parking lot located around the tennis courts and another large parking lot beyond the tennis courts and playground.


Check-In: Everyone (registrants and partners) needs to check-in at the large white registration tent 30 minutes prior to your first match.  Please check in before each different event.


Pre-match: 10 minutes before EVERY match, we ask that you report back to the Registration Tent to meet your opponent/s, for final instructions and to get a fresh balls and your court assignment. We are running a very tight schedule so failure to report on time could result in the forfeiture of a game or match. Let’s just be on time😊 The winning team should report back to the tent after each match to return your balls & report your scores. 


Spectators: We love spectators! Please bring chairs/ tents/ coolers/ blankets and have fun! ALCOHOL IS NOT PERMITTED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS OR ANYWHERE IN SPELLMAN PARK.


Restrooms: There are restrooms available across from the tennis courts, adjacent to the playground at Spellman Park.


 Drinks/Snacks: It’s going to be a long day/weekend of play.  Please bring plenty of water and snacks for yourselves. 

  • We will have drinks and snacks available for purchase at the registration tent.


Raffle Prizes: We have some great prizes that you will want to check out! Raffle tickets will be available for purchase for 2 tickets for $5, 5 tickets for $10, or 12 tickets for $20.  

You can receive free raffle tickets by bringing in food items for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center. They are in need of breakfast cereal, granola bars, canned fruit, canned vegetables, peanut butter, and jelly. Supermarket Gift Cards are also greatly appreciated!


Contacts: For questions/comments prior to the event email:


We look forward to seeing you on the courts!

-Marina Lewandowski, Misha Lewandowski, and Gwendolyn McGugan

​Pickleball Tournament


The tournament will be round-robin format.  Each game will be won with the first team to 11 points (win by 2).  There will be a 20-minute limit for each game.  After 20 minutes, the team with the highest points will win. 


  • Junior Doubles (ages 13-18, can be mixed))​

  • Adult Open (Adults 19+, can be mixed)

    • Intermediate

    • Advanced ​

  • Parent/Child Doubles (child ages 13-18)

  • Senior Open (ages 65+, can be mixed)

    • Intermediate

    • Advanced ​

​Tennis Tournament


  • Boys Junior Singles (ages 18 & under)

    • Level A: high school or advanced​

    • Level B: middle school or intermediate

    • Level C: middle school & new to tournaments.
  • Girls Junior Singles (​ages 18 & under)

    • Level A: high school or advanced​​

    • Level B: middle school or intermediate​

    • Level C: middle school & new to tournaments​

  • Junior Doubles (ages 18 & under, can be mixed)​

    • Level A: advanced​​

    • Level B: intermediate​

    • Level C: novice/beginner​

  • Men's Singles Open (Adults 18+)​

  • Women's Singles Open (Adults 18+)​

  • Senior Men's Singles (ages 55+)​

  • Senior Women's Singles (ages 55+)​

  • Men's Doubles Open (Adults 18+)​​

  • Women's Doubles Open (Adults 18+)​

  • Mixed Doubles Open (Adults 18+)​

  • Adult Novice Doubles (Adults 18+, can be mixed)​

  • Senior Doubles (ages 55+, can be mixed)​

  • Senior Doubles (ages 70+, can be mixed)​

  • Parent/Child (<18) Doubles​

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